Saturday, 9 May 2015

And still it is invisible and a liability.

This StackExchange question makes me sad. The student asking wants to know how to deal with a manic episode that screwed up his undergraduate studies bad: how to frame it in future applications (jobs, graduate school, …)

Answers hovered around:

  1. Don't say anything if you don't have to.
  2. If you have to say something, make sure you show remorse and demonstrate how what happened can never happen again.
  3. If you have to say something, preferably make someone else (in a recommendation letter) say it.
I am unhappy that “I broke my leg and I failed classes” is more acceptable and less of a liability than “My brain broke and I failed classes”. Sure; the discussion in the link includes academic cheating — and I do not condone that — but there is an underlying tone of «don't disclose your mental illness» that really worries me.

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